Contraceptives indicator definitions
Reference: Chapter 6, Logistics Management Information System, Page 22 - Contraceptives Logistics Manual


It is the number (quantity) of contraceptives dispensed / issued to the clients/users at the facility level. However, in case facility level issuance data is not available issuance of contraceptives to facilities by district store can be considered as proxy for consumption

Average Monthly Consumption

It is the average aggregated consumption (of a contraceptive) of the last three non-zero consumption months

Stock on Hand - National Level

It is the sum of the quantity of usable stock available in facilities, district stores, provincial stores and national store at a given time

Stock on Hand - Provincial Level

It is the sum of the quantity of usable stock available in facilities, district stores and provincial store at a given time

Stock on Hand - District Level

It is the sum of the quantity of usable stock available in facilities and district store at a given time

Stock on Hand - Field Level

It is the quantity of usable stock available at facility level in a district at a given time

Stock on Hand - Store

It is the quantity of usable stock available in a store at a given time

Months of Stock - National Level

It is the number of months, the available stock (stock on hand) at a given time at national level will last or will be sufficient for. It can be calculated by dividing the available quantity (stock on hand) at national level by AMC at national level.
MOS = SOH (Stock on Hand) / AMC (Average Monthly Consumption)

Months of Stock - Provincial Level

It is the number of months, the available stock (stock on hand) at a given time at provincial level will last or will be sufficient for. It can be calculated by dividing the available quantity (stock on hand) at a provincial level by AMC at provincial level.
MOS = SOH (Stock on Hand) / AMC (Average Monthly Consumption)

Months of Stock - District Level

It is the number of months, the available stock (stock on hand) at a given time at district level will last or will be sufficient for. It can be calculated by dividing the available quantity (stock on hand) at a district level by AMC at district level.
MOS = SOH (Stock on Hand) / AMC (Average Monthly Consumption)

Months of Stock - Field Level

It is the number of months, the available stock (stock on hand) at a given time in facility level stores will last or will be sufficient for. It can be calculated by dividing the available quantity (stock on hand) in facility level stores by AMC of that store.
MOS = SOH (Stock on Hand) / AMC (Average Monthly Consumption)

Months of Stock – Store

It is the number of months, the available stock (stock on hand) at a given time in a store will last or will be sufficient for. It can be calculated by dividing the available quantity (stock on hand) in a store by AMC of that store.
MOS = SOH (Stock on Hand) / AMC (Average Monthly Consumption)

Couple Year Protection

The term Couple Year Protection (CYP) is used to estimate the quantity or the number of a specific type of contraceptive required to protect a couple from contraception / pregnancy for one year

Reporting Rate (in percentage)

It is the percentage of stores / SDPs reported in a given time period

Stock Issued

It is the number (quantity) of contraceptives given to a store / health facility

Stock Received

It is the number (quantity) of contraceptives received from a store

Vaccines indicator definitions

Generic logistics definition

Reporting Rate = No of Reporting UCs / Total UCs

Average Monthly Consumption (AMC) = Sum of Consumption of last 3 non-zero months / 3

Stock on Hand (SOH) = Closing Balance of the Month

Months of Stock (MOS) = SOH/Target

Vaccine Coverage:

Inside UC = Fixed + Outreach + Defaulter Covered

Outside UC = Fixed + Referred by LB

Consumption Inside UC= Total Children Vaccinated Inside UC + Referral

Consumption Total= Total Children Vaccinated Inside + Outside UC

Dropout Rate = (Penta I – Penta III / Penta I) * 100

Wastage Rate = (Total Wastage/ (Total Consumption + Total Wastages)) * 100
Ref: National EPI Policy and Strategic Guidelines 2014

Target: Live birth (Population 3.5%) BCG and OPV-0 only, Surviving children= 92.3 % of live births

Annualized Coverage Rate = ((Total Consumption/Annual Target) /Total Months *12) * 100
Ref: Administrative coverage excel sheets data (EPI Program)

Wastage Permissible = Wastage within allowed percentage

Over Wastage = Wastage above allowed percentage Ref: National EPI Policy and Strategic Guidelines 2014 Page 18

Vaccine Min and Max:

1. National level: keep the vaccines for a maximum of 6 months:

2. Provincial level: keep the vaccines for a maximum of 3 months:

3. District level: keep the vaccines for a maximum of 1 month:

4. Health facility level: keep all the vaccines for a maximum of 2 weeks
Ref: Page 31 & 34 Vaccine Logistics Manual & National EPI Policy and Strategic Guidelines 2014 Page 17

Batch Management:

Priority 1: If VVM stage is 2 or expiry is less than 3 months.

Priority 2: If VVM stage is 1 and expiry is more than 3 months and less than 12 months.

Priority 3: If VVM stage is 1 and expiry is more than 12 months
Ref: Vaccine Logistics Manual page 135


Capacity required per dose:
Ref: National EPI Policy and Strategic Guidelines 2014 Page 20

Gross Capacity = Gross Capacity 20 + Gross Capacity 4

Net Usable Capacity = Net Capacity 20 + Net Capacity 4

Being Used = (Placed Quantity X Volume per vial) / 1000
Ref: National EPI Policy and Strategic Guidelines 2014 Page 20 also refer to use following standards given in Cold Chain Equipment Manager tool (CCEM-II) also CMYP Page 31

Required Capacity= target population x expected coverage x number of doses of the particular vaccine required x wastage factor x Volume per vial
Ref: (Vaccine Logistics Manual page 23 for Calculating Order Size and Cold Chain Equipment Manager tool (CCEM-II) by Washington University)